➡ アルピコバス白馬町から、白馬駅まで!
国道148号線沿いの、アルピコ白馬町 バス停留場です。 ➡ Firstable,how to get to Hakuba Station from Hakuba-cho bus stop(Alpico). It's a pic of Hakuba-cho bus stop on route 148. |
国道148 号を、
⽷⿂川⽅⾯へ3 分ほど歩きます。 Head north on the route 148 in 3 minutes,and you will find Hakuba station on your right side. |
Here's the intersection in front of the Hakuba Station. |
➡ 白馬駅から、白馬シェアへ!
左側がJR白馬駅です。その右側が、アルピコ白馬駅停留場です。 ➡ The left side in this pic is the station building,the right side is the bus stop of Hakuba Station(Alpico). |
Head north on the route 148 in front of Hakuba Station. |
It's 2 minutes walk to our guest house from the station.There is the post office on the other side across the road on the way to our house. |
You can find this building on your right side.Here's the Hakuba Share. |
"If you get lost, please contact us anytime."
住所 〒399-9301 長野県北安曇郡白馬村 北城7071-17